by Michael Mambrino
October 21, 2021
1 min read
We’re kicking off fall season with some more mellow experimental excursions ranging across the New England area and stay tuned for announcements on my end (at the end). Let’s dive in!
1. Excursion - Off Land
Conveniently named and conveniently timed for school starting are some mind centering ambient journeys to study to. By the 3rd track “Landforms” I was hypnotically entranced by Land’s technique of blending faster rhythms and drone / ambient synths and the product is a productivity booster and relaxing but enticing listen from start to finish.
2. Mutual Dissent - Junk
I’m not sure whether the title relates more to the cover or the music quality but both would be misleading. Listening to this is like being alone in a museum that’s dedicated to something really specific (e.g Museum of Broken Relationships, Barbershop Museum), it invokes a certain oddness being there but you don’t mind because it feels cathartic to experience art alone. By all means check out this short but sweet vaporwave meets shoegaze ep.
3. Matt LaJoie - Buckfull
Saddling melodically from Portland, Maine is Matt Lajoie, ambient and drone mastermind and psychedelic guitar serenader. Listening to this EP brings delicate emotional turns in every track ranging from sentimental to childlike-wonder. The skillful blend of drone ambiance and gentle guitar licks creates a cosmic, sonic experience. I’ve been finding myself playing this quite often in my nightly record spins and playlists. Scope this out on Maine’s flower room records below.