By Arts District Boston
1 min read
The city of Boston is working to approve an Allston parks renovation lead by Arts District Boston. Ringer Park, a beloved green space at the heart of Allston, currently has a large deteriorating wall on the tennis and basketball courts. This makes the space feel dirty and unwelcoming. Arts District Boston has teamed up with local artists to turn this ugly wall into a beautiful mural! What’s even more exciting is Allston Village Main Streets has generously offered to match half of the mural cost and to protect the mural from vandalism if Arts District Boston is able to fundraise the other half in donations.
A new mural at Ringer Park will create a vibrant and inviting space the community can feel good about. Allston's favorite meetup, dog walk, and recreation spot for kids and adults alike, deserves more attention -- especially considering it is adjacent to an elementary school. This mural will help in the efforts to bring public art back to Allston, make the entire area look new again, and create a positive visual environment for youth and teens in the area to grow up and play. The proposed project will scrape, strip, prime, and seal the wall so the new mural lasts to bring life and joy to the area for years to come.
The proposed artwork was designed by long time Allston artist, Jill Rosati. It includes brightly colored people engaging in the sort of sports and activities you may see at Ringer Park. These bright characters are surrounded by lush green grass, adorable little critters, and oversized flowers.
If you are interested in making a donation or supporting this project in any way, please do not hesitate to reach out to Information about upcoming fundraisers will also be available online at @artsdistrictboston on Instagram.
*Originally published in-print in Boston Compass Newspaper #143 February 2022