By Rosie Fawzi for BCN #134
April 1st, 2021
EXOSHAKEEM, an 18 year old creator and member of the vast Boston Hip-Hop scene, has always been drawn to creating from within. As we talked of the importance of balance between influence and individuality, he shared that since a young boy he always sought influence from community centered artists, that fearlessly broke musical and social boundaries in the industry. While focusing on the meaning of balance in his own work, EXOSHAKEEM reflected on how by being a leader, everyone can create a more balanced environment; “real communities require everyone to be a leader, this understanding means self growth leads to community growth”. But stigmas within the art community in Boston had caused EXOs own individuality to struggle when it came to facing the struggle every artist must go through; the outside pressure to sell an image rather than being themselves. Luckily with age, his desire to connect with those around him only grew as he continued making uplifting, experimental, music with other Boston creatives. This mindset has allowed him to belong to something bigger and more impactful than himself; a community. In the past two years of self discovery, EXOSHAKEEM has been building his pride and joy, Memorial Drive, his album coming out 4/02/21 on all platforms. To get to know EXOSHAKEEM, go listen to Memorial Drive as he takes you through the ride of his life.
—Rosie Fawzi